First of all, thank you! We’re glad you’re willing to share! That’s how this community will grow and flourish. For now, we (the site admins) are reviewing and sorting the images before they are placed “live” in our shared folders. Please go to this link and upload your images. For MidJourney images, please keep the job ID at the end of your filenames to make it easy for others to see your images and prompts in the MidJourney user gallery. For DALL-E, SD or other generators, please add your name to the file name before uploading so we know who uploaded the pictures, and email Pastor Daniel so that we know who has contributed and have a record of your contact information. Unless you specify otherwise, we will assume that by uploading your AI generated images to this collection, you are releasing any copyright claims to these images or prompts under a CC0 (Creative Commons Public Domain Grant) license. If you upload photographs, be sure to specify what Creative Commons license these can be used under.

Note: we are focusing resources on the styles of art in the main collections: particularly realistic portrayals of Biblical scenes, in either photos, photo-realistic style, or some realistic oil paintings. We don’t currently focus many resources to sort and curate collections of anime images, cartoon styles, illustrations, or other art styles in the Illustrations collection, as we feel these may be less useful for our purposes. Submissions in this category may not make it into the collections. Please see the post A Biblical Philosophy of Art to learn more.

Use this link to upload your files

Once you upload a batch of files, please contact Pastor Daniel and we will know to take a look at them, and also know who the files came from!

If you’d like to help us organize and curate these files (read-write access to the NextCloud folder) or collaborate in other ways, just reach out to us. We will be glad for the help!